About Us

Puggles is a family-owned and operated Long Day Care service. Providing care to children aged 0-5 across multiple locations for 52 weeks a year, our rooms are tailored to support and guide your child through whatever stage of development they are at to help them grow into the young person they are truly meant to become.

Our curriculum is varied and based on the Australian Government’s Early Years Learning Framework, and part of this includes the dedicated school readiness program that we operate, which is based on the NSW Government’s syllabus. Our educators with babies as young as six weeks, toddlers, and preschool children up to age five to help them develop a range of key interpersonal and social skills, as well as preparing them for the transition to ‘big school.’

We’re proud to provide childcare of an exceptionally high standard and work hard to meet all relevant quality guidelines outlined by the ACECQA. To learn more about early education education in NSW, click here.

Of course, there’s more to good childcare than curriculum and guidelines. We strive to bring as much passion and drive to our work as possible and it’s crucial to us that your child can reach their full potential during their time at Puggles. This is why our Daily Fee includes nappies, sheets, hats, formula, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and a late afternoon snack at our centres. And, we provide cooks onsite to prepare quality meals made with the freshest ingredients for all of our attending children.

It’s important to us that you feel completely comfortable in sending your child to one of our centres, so we welcome any families considering attending Puggles to contact us to book in for a tour.

Our centres are registered with the Australian Government’s Childcare Subsidy scheme. This calculator can help you estimate the level of support you may be eligible for under the scheme.